Tag Results: succession

These are the entries tagged with succession

Working with Millennials

Because millennials are our future clients, as well as our current and future staff, leadership needs to understand where they are coming from so they can identify how best to work with them. Read more to learn more about what millennials bring to the table.

Added: August 30, 2018 - 3:12 PM  /  Views: 84

Consistency in Creating a Growth Culture

Accounting firm leadership continues to struggle with effective succession planning execution. Many firm leaders are neither confident in the business development skills in their firms nor sure what to do about succession. Creating a growth culture is the answer.

Added: June 14, 2018 - 11:00 AM  /  Views: 87

Real Estate and Construction CPAs is a subsidiary of The Rainmaker Alliances, a service line of The Rainmaker Companies