2020 SuperConference Presentations

Are We There Yet? - KC Conway
Members Only

This session will explore both the economic and CRE conditions since the onset of the Coronavirus outbreak and answer the key question: Are we there yet? Looking at macro-economic (employment and GDP), transportation (TSA Passenger Count, Rail Traffic), CRE credit and property type metrics (loans in forbearance or delinquent), K.C. Conway will assess not just the “What’s Happened” but more important “Where are we headed” questions. This session will also analyze the Federal Reserve intervention and whether its working. And finally, this session will conclude with a outlook as to: i) what it will take to get to “there,” and what “there” might look like for the economy and various CRE property types post COVID19. 

Added: July 17, 2020 - 4:47 PM  /  Views: 46

Keynote: Designing Your Firm to Thrive in the Next Decade - Michael Platt
Members Only

There has never been a more exciting time to be in the profession. New products, new services, new career opportunities and new ways to assist clients are proliferating daily. The footprint of successful firms in the 2020s will be significantly larger and more expansive than the traditional services that have defined the profession for decades. But while opportunity is around every corner, it will only be realized by firms that see it and seize on it. This session will mix robust benchmarking data of where the profession is today, provide quantitative views of where it is changing, and will share ideas on how your firm can adopt some of the exciting opportunities that will lead to a brighter (and more sustainable) future.

Added: July 17, 2020 - 4:38 PM  /  Views: 23

Mapping the Dark: Creating a Unified Business Strategy to Plan for the Unknown - Steven Antill
Members Only

Technology continues to evolve — and rapidly. As it evolves, understanding the importance of cybersecurity and knowing which tools are right for your business can be a challenge. But by unifying your people and processes with your technology, you can set yourself up for sustained success. In this presentation, Steve will shine a light on how to be prepared with the right people with the right tech — and the right tech products.

Added: July 17, 2020 - 4:46 PM  /  Views: 27

Real Estate & Construction Best Practices Roundtable - Teri Samples, Mueller Prost
Members Only

Roundtable sessions offer attendees the ability to share, discuss, and take away ideas and information that can be used to grow and improve their practice. In this facilitated session, attendees have the opportunity to openly discuss industry topics, opportunities, challenges, and best practices.

Added: July 17, 2020 - 4:43 PM  /  Views: 29

Thriving in a World of Change - Angie Grissom, Adelaide Ness and Scott Moore,The Rainmaker Companies
Members Only

In this session, we discuss how professionals can best navigate the current environment, opportunities available, and how to position yourself and your teams for success.

Added: July 17, 2020 - 4:45 PM  /  Views: 27

Real Estate and Construction CPAs is a subsidiary of The Rainmaker Alliances, a service line of The Rainmaker Companies